Tomorrow night will be Mid-Autumn Festival/ Mooncake festival.. It is celebrated annually on the fifteenth August of chinese lunar calendar. This festival is considered the second most important festival after chinese new year.
"For thousands of years, Chinese have related the vicissitudes of life to changes of the moon as it waxes and wanes; joy and sorrow, parting and reunion. Because the full moon is round and symbolizes reunion, the Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as the festival of reunion. All family members try to get together on this special day. Those who can not return home watch the bright moonlight and feel deep longing for their loved ones."
and i have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival away from my family for 5 years can buy mooncakes, teas, lanterns, you can still see the same moon, but the feel would never be the same compared to sitting all
3 generations together, eating mooncake, sipping chinese tea, under the moon and tell stories.......i missed that...
For all of you who aren't so sure what chinese do on this day, hehe, simple, go out to any streets and im sure there will be big celebrations :) It's simply a day of rejoice and reunion, and of cos, to savior the once-a-year-only-available mooncake!!!!!!
gonna get a halal one to share with my good friends, hehehehe......ade yg nk join ? :)
I've tasted the halal one before n it was soooo sweet. Rupa2nya cara I makan chinese fren told me that we should eat in small bites! Hahaha...that was 10+ years ago...missed that moments, really!
haha, sal, yup, u shud eat small bite, i bet u took one whole chunk out, hehe
kyle, tak sampailah the whole chunk, tapi..u know lah...baru 1st time makan, mana tau..hehe
happy mooncake fest
which moon cake yg betul2 halal?i used to love these tapi bila dh ragu2 jd susah pulak nak beli...:o)
greeting for you
yes i'm can read n wrote mandarine but just a litle its not fluently and not really good hehehe
happy Mid autumn day yach
mooncake tu nmpk sedap...!~
dulu takut sangat nak makan kuih bulan..tapi dalam surat khabar ada baca pasal kuih bulan yang halal...kena cari nnti nie..hehe..
i looooooooooooove mooncakes!!!! esp yang kacang merah tu. yummy!!!!
yeah saya memang suka betul kuih bulan ni. kalau saya makan, saya terus ngap masuk mulut, member lain semua pelik tengok saya boleh sumbat terus banyak2 he he he...
you know what? I spent RM 170 buying moon cakes this year cos my father loves it. I know i know im not even Chinese!!! I bought the fancy ones with fancy double layer fillings and alcohol...not halal but tasted good!
hahaha, leh buat mooncake club lah nie :) byk mmber nmpk hehehe
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